Create a Better Relationship to Your Work Environment,
Tips to creating a better work environment

Many people spend more time at work than they do at home, with their family or with their friends.

While it seems like an utter travesty, the facts remain unchanged, so it’s important that you have a good relationship with your work environment, whether that’s the people you work with or the space in which you work.

Being in a workspace that supports a healthy attitude, provides you freedom to express, and sparks cool ideas, helps you feel good about your job and your life.

What are some ideas for keeping things healthy and happy while you’re in the office? 

Keep your space clean and clutter-free. You know the phrase “cleanliness is next to godliness” right? Well, whether you believe that or not, it’s still really important to keep your space clean. It’s a direct representation of the way your mind works. Cluttered desk; cluttered mind.  

Make your office/space inviting. Don’t keep it so clinical that it’s not comfortable to be in your work space. Put up a few pictures and get a lamp to brighten things up. It makes work much more pleasant. And others will see you as approachable.

Help keep communal space tidy. How many people in your office gripe about the break room being dirty again? Making it so that only one or two people deal with that area is unfair and breeds resentment. Chip in and do your part to help keep everything clean.  And if you’re the one or two doing it, put up a sign up sheet to take turns (sigh it first).

Bring in surprises every once in a while. Nothing motivates a crew like a break room surprise of bagel and cream cheese or cookies. It gives them an excuse to leave their desk and they are sure to come back to work feeling happy. They may even surprise you by following in your footsteps, bringing in the next treat.

Organize a potluck. This is a great way to get the whole team in on an activity. You can all have lunch together and taste some of your delicious homemade food. It also helps to keep the employees feeling like a team when they’re able to spend time together outside of a project. 

Allow yourself some time to chat about non-work conversations with team members. Which brings me to my next point, which is you have to take time to talk about other things besides work. If not, everything becomes all about work, where there are no breaks, which can be really exhausting.  

Make sure there’s levity. A good dose of laughter will help lift the spirits of any team and boost morale right up. Take time for some joking or even doing funny activities around the office.  

Keep lines of communication open. Above all, make sure there’s communication. If people don’t feel as though they can communicate with you or others on the team, then productivity grinds to a halt. Make sure everyone you work with feels comfortable communicating any ideas or problems they may be having.



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From regional manager to international executive with quadruple the pay, Karen Keller’s unique blueprint carefully outlined the step-by-step process for creating high-impact influence and let me know when I was being influenced in a way that didn’t serve me.
Lloyd Moore
Global Director Supplier Quality & Development - Lear Corporation – South Carolina