Your Goals: Now, Future, and Past
Priorities change and your goals must change with them

It’s the one constant fact of life: there is nothing constant except the beating of your own heart.

Life changes as we grow older. Priorities change as life makes it through twists and turns.

Some changes are momentous and many are small. But if you can’t learn to change your goals with the changes that happen in your live, you may find yourself becoming more and more frustrated with your inability to meet these goals.

So how can you effectively change goals throughout various stages in your life? 

Recognize changing priorities. Before you can make changes to your goals, you have to realize that your life is changing. If you can’t accept that you have changing priorities and your life is moving in a new direction, it will be very hard to make changes to your existing goals.  

Take baby steps. If the goal you had was a pretty big life goal, you aren’t going to be able to change it overnight. Don’t bite off more than you can chew, in other words. Look at your life goals in smaller, micro goals. See if there are areas you can tweak rather than change the whole darn thing. 

Change parts of a bigger goal. Of course, if you find areas that can be broken down into smaller goals, but will still help you get to your bigger goals, I recommend looking at those first. Tinker with the smaller parts before you completely overhaul a major component.

Constantly reevaluate your life and goals. Once you’ve made smaller changes keep track of them. Make sure you feel like your goals are always in line with the direction your life is headed. While it’s always good to have ambition and drive, trying to force your life in a direction it may not want to go typically yields bad results.



Are you hitting your life goals? Do you even know what they are?

The way to get ahead in this life and be genuinely happy is to start at the beginning and know your true self.  I could offer plenty of great advice, but unless you truly understand who you are, your strengths and your weaknesses, and are willing to make a change, then the success you might find from any bit of advice I could give would be short lived.  

I encourage you to Take the Keller Influence Indicator®(or KII®, pronounced “kay-two”). This is the first influence assessment designed to help you understand the exact influence traits it takes in order to create the change you want to see.  You'll learn which of these influence traits are already working hard for you, and which ones need work.

"The FIRST requirement for being an influential person is knowing yourself." ~ Dr. Karen Keller

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From regional manager to international executive with quadruple the pay, Karen Keller’s unique blueprint carefully outlined the step-by-step process for creating high-impact influence and let me know when I was being influenced in a way that didn’t serve me.
Lloyd Moore
Global Director Supplier Quality & Development - Lear Corporation – South Carolina