Pants? YES! Pants! The new year snuck up on us and we're left with no choice except It's definitely time to deal with the new year, especially since it's January 4 and all.

Today we're going to talk about pants. We all wear them. They come in quite a few different colors when you consider it. Men's, Women's (please, no unisex pants), regular waist, low-waist, boot cut or straight leg. The pants available to us as consumers are endless in supply and abundant in style choices.

So why do you keep wearing the same ones? Your business, when you think about it, probably needs some attention. We never leave the house without our pants on, so why are you letting your business fly by the seat of its pants when there are things that need paying attention to? Today, let's chat about three things you can do with your pants for the new year:

Kick 'em in the seat: You heard me. A swift, motivational kick is never a bad idea. What can YOU do to motivate yourself to make this your best business year ever? It's possible that a kick in the seat of your pants is just what you need to make the year soar from the get-go.

Do some tailoring: Do you need to let the waist out? Had your business grown? If so, you might need to make room for all the new wonderful things your business provides. Stop trying to squeeze into the same pair! And the same goes for downsizing and streamlining. Nothing wrong with taking in a bit at the waist, either.

Try a new style: Trends change. So do service offerings and operational efficiencies. Maybe it's time to find a new pair of pants that reflects the body of your business inside. Rebrand, update your website, design new business cards. Make sure you're always showing off your best assets!

Your action task for today is to get your wardrobe in order and FIND YOUR PANTS! We never leave the house without them, so the time's come to put your business (in all the senses) in the best possible vehicle for the new year.

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From regional manager to international executive with quadruple the pay, Karen Keller’s unique blueprint carefully outlined the step-by-step process for creating high-impact influence and let me know when I was being influenced in a way that didn’t serve me.
Lloyd Moore
Global Director Supplier Quality & Development - Lear Corporation – South Carolina